The team recently returned from the first service run of the experiment. Service runs are used to collect the data that has been recording on flash cards and check to make sure everything is running properly. We had two teams of two from the US on this run: Colton and Daniel from University of Arizona and Anne and Mariah from Lehigh University. Colton and Anne were part of the initial install, so this was a great chance to bring two early career graduate students into the field and help train them on the specifics of this deployment.
Street sign for Pedernales |
One of the more challenging aspects of a deployment is coming up with a good acronym or project name. The field teams came up with a few options on this run:
IPAD - International Pedernales Aftershock Deployment
PADRE - Pedernales Aftershock Deployment Rapid Experiment
MADRE - Muisne Aftershock Deployment Rapid Experiment
MADRE(2) - Multinational Aftershock Deployment for the Rupture in Ecuador
READIE - Rapid Earthquake Aftershock Deployment In Ecuador
EPIC Experiment - Earthquake in Pedernales International Collaborative Experiment
NERD - Northern Ecuador Rapid Deployment
We'd definitely appreciate input on which one is best (or other suggestions!) so please feel free to leave a comment on this post.
Colton on the top of a photogenic mountain |
Daniel with a view of the city on a cloudy day. |
One of our stations, overlooking a small town. |
Mariah, working hard. |
Roads amongst the clouds |
Anne, checking the station status. |